This weekend the owner and her friends took me and Scooby to some event put on by NWSource.com down at the waterfront. I wasn't really sure where we were going but apparently owner decided to send in a photo of me from our hike last year and it was picked to be in their contest. Well it seems I was 1 of 3 finalists so we had to go and walk the runway. Owner had me wear my backpack, which I love, and we walked the runway. We were up against a pug named Winston and another dog who did not show up. After much thought the judge picked me - can you imagine - I won in the Best Working Pet category! It was very exciting, I've never done anything like that before. I was given a basket filled with treats and toys and I've been having fun with them. Scooby stole the stuffed animal and won't give it back but I guess I can share with him. His picture wasn't picked to be in the contest... atleast this way he gets a little something. Seems I'm the hot bitch in the house and he doesn't like it!! (he kept barking at the show - trying to steal my moment...)
So anyways, sorry it's been awhile since I've written in my blog. Scooby and I have been busy playing and relaxing. It was a good summer but now we're getting ready for winter... hopefully it'll be a good one with plenty of snow for us to play in...
Here are the picts the owner and friends took!
Apparently Winston the Pug is not real happy with me for winning - Sorry Winston... I do like pugs, I have 2 cousins that are pugs. There is always next year! Best of luck to you!!