Wow, what a day... I have been busy running around chasing my friend Stolli in her back yard... I thought I would take a minute to write in on my computer and say hello. It's beautiful here today and my owner dropped me off this morning to play. Boy, have I been playing... I am going to be pooped tonight. The owners are at work right now slaving away for the man while I run and play and roll in the dirt. Whose the lucky one?
The house has been busy with them getting ready for their Pre-Halloween bash on Friday. My owner is not much of a decorator but she actually bought halloween decorations to put up, the house will look scary once complete. I am sure she will give me some pictures to add after the party. Check back for those.
I was left alone for a long time last night. I swear you'd think these people think I know how to use a toilet... Come on people, I need to go outside.. I was able to hold it though, as usual, but man I was so happy when they came home from shopping.