Tuesday, February 15, 2005


It seems I have a new "brother" - he is 2 years older than me and part lab, hound and dalmation... His name is Scooby and I have been enjoying harassing him. I must admit I am terribly uneasy with having to share my house and owners with him. Who does he think he is? He just walks in and lays on my things, chews on bones that I want and even thinks he has the right to have a bowl of food that I can't eat... It's my house!!!
I have enjoyed having someone to play with but I don't know if I can get used to this...
The other day he decided to run away... owner freaked out and took off after him leaving the fence to the yard I was in open... Now I could have easily ran out and run the opposite direction but being the loving dog that I am I went to find my owner. I love her and knew she was unahppy, I figured I could help. I caught up to her and she seemed realived to see me... I just ran along side of her while we chased Scooby. A random pedestrian ended up catching him for us but that meant we had to take him home... To bad he couldn't run faster - then I would be able to have my owners and house back.... Owner was really unhappy he tried to run away, I wonder if they will keep him... I think that is a question that's being decided upon. I have a feeling they will, but I know it also depends on how I feel towards him. Maybe I'll give him a shot - he better stay out of my way though and play when I say play... I am the boss after all!!
Here is a picture of the new dog in the house.... Oh yeah, owner now has pink hair... I wonder if it tastes like cotton candy - I should go find out. She comes home tonight from house/dog sitting for a friend....

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