Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Oh owner, wherefore art thou?

Well, it seems one of our owners is missing... He was at the house yesterday morning and he was gone last night. He said something to me as he walked out with some bags but I am not really sure what he said.. Other owner mentioned something about a trip but I just don't get why he would take off without us. Scooby and I have spent every day with him since he was laid off and now he has just left us, alone... Scooby and I stared out the window, stared at the front door from the couch and barked at any sound we heard last night... Surely he will be back soon... Other owner is fun and all and we love her but she isn't home with us all day - we miss that.
Anyways, in other house related news... Owner finally patched the holes in the bush with a fence so Scooby could not try and run away. I feel that is he wants to run away we should let him. Then I would be all alone again, the toys would be mine and noone would be in my way to snuggle with the owners... Man that Scooby bugs me now that I think of it.. He is in my way... He and I played with my best friend Big Mean Kitty and now it seems kitty only has 3 legs. I think that Scooby is responisble for the missing limb - he must be punished.
Owner has been trying to teach herself how to sew. She has been making pouches like crazy and they seem to be getting better, or so she seems to think. Otherthan that not much else is going on... I'll keep you informed. :)

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