Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Christmas is upon us...

The owners have yet to setup a tree but word around the house is that will happen this weekend. I am longing for the pepermint canes that hang just low enough for me to snack on when noone is looking. Plus, I enjoy eating and getting the tinsel stuck to my fur and dragging it all around the house and then pretending I don't know how it got downstairs... However I am always busted when the owners notice a few strands stuck in my poo in the yard. (Yes, I have them trained to pick it up!)

So, the gifts have started arriving. I have spent housr and hours licking and sniffing them and I have no idea what they are. Scooby doesn't seem interested enough to help me tear the paper... Lazy dog! What good is he? All the suspence is killing me!

I didn't ask for much this Christmas. I asked for the usual Greenies that I drool over, my favorite food (Beneful, thank you!), a nice new toy just for me, lots of pig ears to chew on and maybe a new leash - I'm tired of the flowered one. Noone takes me seriously with all that foliage on me... I'm no sissy!

Not much is really going on at home. The owners are busy working and attending events associated with the holidays. Owner just started a jewelry mentorship with another artist in town so that is her new keep busy event... She had several girl friends over last week to help make jewelry. Scooby and I got locked in the owners room - B-O-R-I-N-G!

Anyways, have a fun holiday season. Save your leftover fruitcake for us b/c I'll eat anything and Scooby just doesn't care - he'd eat wood if you gave it to him.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Just a Monday

Last night my owner had her last Ladies Who Launch class. She was pretty sad that it was ending, although I hear she will still attend meetings every month. She came home with alot of goodies and presents from everyone. None that I could have - as usual.

I swear I am so neglected - no one gives me any candy, cookies, turkey - nothing! Oh wait... Speaking of turkey, on thanksgiving I was given some wet food (mixed in with my usual dry food), which I don't usually get but love sooo sooo much. I ate it so fast that after about 10 min I threw it ALL up in the living room, on carpet - it came up as if I had swallowed it whole. Lovely visual, I know... What can I say, I was excited to get it - I can't help that I scarfed it down faster than I have ever eaten before. My excuse is I didn't want Scooby to eat it... although he was busy eating his own. You never know though, he could have rushed over and stole mine too. It could happen.

So, anyways, thanksgiving was good. I did get a tiny bite of turkey after my little incident. I think everyone felt sorry for me b/c I now had no food in my stomach. Although, that could have been my plan all along (evil laugh inserted here). They were all joking that I was belimic - I'm not, really!

Other owner had some buddies over last night to watch football and drink beer. Always exciting for me b/c Scooby and I like to show off for the guests and wrestle. I won of course!

Tonight I suspect is going to be a fun night of laying around and chewing on some bones... Owner plans to make some jewelry, maybe I can help pick up the beads on the floor or something. Maybe?

Monday, October 24, 2005


Hello Fans! Sorry I have not updated my blog in so loang - Scooby has been keeping me busy with his chasing and just asking for a beating from me... So busy! Our owners got engaged about a month ago so I guess that means we will all be a legal family soon. I hear they plan to go to Hawaii, I am so excited to run free on the beach and play with Scooby. We will love Hawaii...

What? We're not going? Scooby just informed me we have to go to our special place while they are gone - man that so sucks!! Why can't we go? I don't mind riding under the plane. I need to have a talk with the owners, that's ridiculous that we can't be there to celebrate in the love of our owners not to mention go to Hawaii and play on the beach. I am not very happy about this at all. I will keep you all updated.

Other than that not much is going on at home. It's been rainy so we don't get to go out as much. The owners are not fans of our muddy foot prints. I can't imagine why, it's not like it's hard to clean up, geesh. I need more green grass and fresh air people!! Plus it's so much fun throwing Scooby to the grown and getting him all muddy - makes me laugh!

Well, it's time to go out for a potty break so I will leave you all for now. Wish me luck on Hawaii!!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Nothing new...

Nothing new has been going on for me and Scooby. We got a bath this last weekend which was just horrid if you ask me. Owner got our leashes out and we got psyched because we thought we were going for a walk but low and behold we were being tied to the back deck so she could hose us down and soap us up... Evil trick!! Other owner slept all day so he had no part of it... It was a pretty lazy day for the most part. Owner has been working alot still so we only see one owner at night but we have fun with her. She gives us treats when we go do our business outside or look at the cupboard long enough.

Oh! I have to go, I think I see a squirrel out the window... I need to go get Scooby excited so he'll bark at it!!

Sunday, July 24, 2005

When the folks are away... we will play

The owners are gone right now so Scooby and I are running through the house like crazy. Damn new trash can... I can't get it open!! I smell all kinds of wonderful things in there calling my name... I wish I could just..lift...the...lid...a...tiny...bit... ughhh, not gonna happen.

We have a visitor staying at the house and has for over a week. Owner is ready for him to leave as she wants the house back... Visitors are nice but having a whole house to yourself is nicer!

The owners got new furniture for the living room which looks really nice. We are NOT allowed on it and we have basically stayed off of it. See, we can be good!

Anyways, I better go so I can pounce on Scooby, he isn't paying attention right now... hehe...

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Back to work...

Well, owner started back to work yesterday. He was a little bummed to not have all the free time in the world but also a little anxious to start this new chapter in his life. Seems he will be gone alot when other owner is home... Well atleast Scooby and I won't be alone often. I just can't help but dig in the trash and it always gets me in troubloe, this way I will be safe from temptation.

I hear we have a new sofa coming that Scooby and I are not allowed to be near. Yeah, we'll see about that! What do they plan to do, put it away when they leave the house? I don't think so!! They did get us a new bed and it sure smells wonderful, I think it's cedar but all I can think of are hampsters.

Life is pretty dull right now. We haven't really been out other than for walks. I have missed my friends at the dog park and it's so nice out I would love to go for a swim. I hope the owners shape up some and take us somewhere fun, we deserve it!! I'll try and be good in hopes that happens....

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Posting... finally

Ok, sorry fans.. I have been very busy with all the guests we have had in town.

So let me catch you up... Scooby got out about a month ago when the owners had a friend come check on us while they were away for a night... Some woman up the road found him and returned him... I swear, he isn't very bright sometimes. The owners are so good to us so if he wants to leave that is fine by me, just means more kibble and treats for me!! I watched him run out of the gate but did I leave.. noooo way, I know better. I stayed and waited, it definitelly looked good for me. Some people even thought I did it. People, I can't open the gate. I am brilliant and all but by no means am I strong enough to push that gate open with my head. Thats just crazy.. Also, I have no ill will toward my pal Scooby so I didn't plan it out either... geesh...

Owners brother got married this last weekend so it was hectic at our house with people from all over coming to stay. It was nice to have some new friends to smell and play with. The trash can even seemed tastier with all the extra trash. I got caught one day... boy did I get yelled at...

I've been pretty pissy lately with the owners b/c I don;t feel I get out enough for walks so I decided to show them by tearing a hole in some sheets and eating a pillow. It worked, owner took me for a walk that night. Now I know how to get my way... just destroy something. ;) Although other owner wasn't happy and he was wanting to drop me off in the woods forever, thank goodness he was kidding. I may be big but I am a huge baby plus what would I eat out there... :( I will try and be better!!

Monday, April 11, 2005

My stay at home dad, AKA Mr. Mom

It has been so nice having owner back - he is home with us all day and we get to lay around and go outside and play with him. I hope he never goes back to work. I did hear the owners talking about a job interview he went on. Seems they went to eat at the restaurant last night and loved it. So, he may have a new job soon which I am very sad about... Scooby and I like having him around. It gives us something to do rather than just playing tub of war with each other... that really does get old after awhile.

The owners have their 3 year anniversary coming up soon, I think they are going on some mystery dinner train. I wonder what that means... I assume it means no dogs... :( I was leaning more towards camping b/c then they would take us but it seems the point is not to have us around... Why would they not want us around, we are friendly and always want to be petted, constantly around them and ALWAYS right by their side... Oh wait, I may have just answered my own question... Could we be too needy by chance? Nah!!!

So, our weekend was good. It rained a bit but not enough where we couldn't get outside and tear up the yard some. Scooby has been following around owner all the time, she thinks it cute but other owner calls him momma's boy... He doesn't care, he likes it.

Well, Scooby is waiting for me to come play with big mean kitty so I better go, I have to steal it away from him...

Monday, March 14, 2005

Save my owners dot com

I saw a website today that is a known hoax but it made me think it was a great idea for me to make some money so I can get out and travel more - the dog park and the back yard just aren't much of a trip for me lately, I need more car rides and new parks... It's always the same old same old... Anyways, I saw this site which is about a guy trying to raise $50,000.00 - he wants people to send him $ or else he will eat his cute pet bunny Toby. I could have a site, and I could threaten to eat my owners unless people send me money not to.. They are decent people, I am sure folks out there wouldn't want to see them get eaten by my ferocious jaws. I can be mean... really I can... What do you think?
Anyways, life has been different lately with one owner away but it has been ok. Scooby and I are getting along better yet I do love to steal is toys and make sure he gets to watch me chew on them in front of him... See, I can be mean!! I could eat Scooby... I wonder if that would be better than the owners... Hmmmm.....
Our weekend was good. Owner was out with her friend shopping for tuxes for her friends upcoming wedding. They were gone most of the day, I was very happy when she came back. Scooby and I were ready for some quality owner time. We all went out and ran around the yard.... Yeah, I love that!! Owner didn't leave till lunch today b/c a handyman had to come fix a hole in the wall... he was there forever... owner wasn't real happy she had to be late to work but it seems to have worked out ok... Well, Scooby is waiting for me to play tug on the big mean kitty... Bye for now!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Oh owner, wherefore art thou?

Well, it seems one of our owners is missing... He was at the house yesterday morning and he was gone last night. He said something to me as he walked out with some bags but I am not really sure what he said.. Other owner mentioned something about a trip but I just don't get why he would take off without us. Scooby and I have spent every day with him since he was laid off and now he has just left us, alone... Scooby and I stared out the window, stared at the front door from the couch and barked at any sound we heard last night... Surely he will be back soon... Other owner is fun and all and we love her but she isn't home with us all day - we miss that.
Anyways, in other house related news... Owner finally patched the holes in the bush with a fence so Scooby could not try and run away. I feel that is he wants to run away we should let him. Then I would be all alone again, the toys would be mine and noone would be in my way to snuggle with the owners... Man that Scooby bugs me now that I think of it.. He is in my way... He and I played with my best friend Big Mean Kitty and now it seems kitty only has 3 legs. I think that Scooby is responisble for the missing limb - he must be punished.
Owner has been trying to teach herself how to sew. She has been making pouches like crazy and they seem to be getting better, or so she seems to think. Otherthan that not much else is going on... I'll keep you informed. :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2005


It seems I have a new "brother" - he is 2 years older than me and part lab, hound and dalmation... His name is Scooby and I have been enjoying harassing him. I must admit I am terribly uneasy with having to share my house and owners with him. Who does he think he is? He just walks in and lays on my things, chews on bones that I want and even thinks he has the right to have a bowl of food that I can't eat... It's my house!!!
I have enjoyed having someone to play with but I don't know if I can get used to this...
The other day he decided to run away... owner freaked out and took off after him leaving the fence to the yard I was in open... Now I could have easily ran out and run the opposite direction but being the loving dog that I am I went to find my owner. I love her and knew she was unahppy, I figured I could help. I caught up to her and she seemed realived to see me... I just ran along side of her while we chased Scooby. A random pedestrian ended up catching him for us but that meant we had to take him home... To bad he couldn't run faster - then I would be able to have my owners and house back.... Owner was really unhappy he tried to run away, I wonder if they will keep him... I think that is a question that's being decided upon. I have a feeling they will, but I know it also depends on how I feel towards him. Maybe I'll give him a shot - he better stay out of my way though and play when I say play... I am the boss after all!!
Here is a picture of the new dog in the house.... Oh yeah, owner now has pink hair... I wonder if it tastes like cotton candy - I should go find out. She comes home tonight from house/dog sitting for a friend....

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Laid off or laying around?

Well, owner got laid off today from the evil software empire yet he is very happy it happened. I've never seen him so happy actually!! Seems now he and I can spend tons of quality time togethere walking, running, going to the dog park, taking car rides, sleeping, catching up on our soap operas, etc... all around fun for me! He may take some time and enjoy his time off, travel, visit friends... Other owner will then be home with me, she and I will have fun too.
I may be meeting a new dog this week - Scooby is his name. He is as big as me, submissive and fixed... Just the way I like it!! :) We are supposed to meet to make sure we get along... Not sure when though.... I'll keep my captivated audience in the know.. no worries.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

New friends... maybe?

Rumor has it there might be a new addition to our little family... a boy too... The owners supposedly may be getting a new dog who is currently nameless. I forget what kind of dog he is, some mix - he was found wandering the interstate. I hope he isn't smarter than me... oh wait, I've never wandered the interstate... I saw his picture, he is cute but I am cuter for sure... Plus I am bigger and older so I will have to train him the ways of the house. (It's not definite yet though)
The owners are trying to decide on names, I think Kennedy and Teddy are the ones they are choosing between - they have decided to keep the Presidents alive in the house.... What do you think, do you like either? If not, any suggestions on other ex-Presidents names?
Oh, our house guest left this morning, he's off to South America for many months.... life should be back to normal for atleast awhile.... I'll miss getting to lay around with him during the day, plus he let me out which was nice - I am so used to holding it all day, it was great to be able to get out and run and play.

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Houseguests galore...

Well, grandma and her boyfriend have left and we now have a new house guest. Owner's friend is staying with us for a week before he heads to South america for a few months to travel and pick up ladies... He just got to our house last night and they pretty much sat on my couch all night watching sports.. I actually had to lay on the floor. I am not used to this kind of treatment, the couch is my domaine and I should be able to rest my tired head on a soft cushion... not a hard wood floor - gesh!! It seems tonight we have other owners jewelry friend from Nebraska coming over for dinner. Should be fun as I have not met her yet. I am sure I will enjoy jumping on her and licking her, I hear she has 2 dogs so she should be ok with all the affection I will put upon her... should be a fun evening...
Owner has been playing in her studio alot more recently, she seems to be trying to master carving wax... She appears to be frustrated and is looking for some insight from her friend tonight... I think she might also be looking into some classes at a local school around here.
Well it seems it is time for me to go play with my toys, enough of this computer stuff... I am a dog and I need to play. Bye for now!

Monday, January 24, 2005

Grandma and boyfriend are visting...

So, my owners mother is here for a week from Florida, I will just call her grandma as that's what she is to me... She brought her yacht designer boyfriend, who I really enjoy playing with. He likes to play with Big Mean Kitty and me... We tug and play alot. I rather enjoy the company. The owners have been really busy with our new house guests. They have been in and out all weekend. I didn't get to go to the dog park at all, I wasn't real happy about that. The owners also ran out of food for me yesterday but no worries I got plenty of yummy treats until the new food arrived, I rather enjoyed a whole day of junk food. :)
Tomorrow there will be a big dinner with the owners friends for my grandma and her boyfriend, I hope I don't get locked outside or in a room, I love when their friends come over, they LOVE me. Plus I assume my little buddies Scottie and Izzabelle will come play... I've got my toes crossed! I am looking forward to any food that may hit the floor tomorrow. As for the weekend I just layed around and did nothing. Sunday I got to watch "Toy Soldiers" with owner and her girl friend after they came back from lunch, they then left me to go shopping for owners birthday outfit, I'm not sure what she bought but I noticed she was wearing some new green cowboy boots, she wouldn't stop saying how much she love love loved them... She's crazy sometimes... Other owner went to watch football at some friends house and was out till 'Desperate Housewives' came on, he wasn't real happy other owner made him watch it... although he did fall asleep on the couch and missed most of it. I like the show, owner usually let me lay on the couch with them when it's on... I get used as a pillow, I don't mind though, I usually fall asleep that way anyways.
Well, my animal planet show is on, have to go watch it. Big mean kitty and Dirty rotten kitty are waiting for me on the couch!!

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Sorry I've been lazy... I am a dog ya know...

Well, I haven't updated in a month, sorry about that. The new year has been a good one. I got alot of great Christmas gifts from the owners. New years was pretty dull for me as the owners were out for several hours... I just listened to the fireworks and hid with my new toy, Dirty Rotten Kitty.
The owners are thinking of sending me to doggie daycare for 2 days a week. I have to go have my temperment test before I can start going though... I will try and be on my best behavior, I promise...
Owner has a new job that she really likes. Her commute is alot shorter so that definitelly make her happy. Other owner still has the same job but I tend to see them come home around the same time which I like... more time to play with me!!
Owner had his 31st birthday on Tuesday the 18th, they went our for mexican and didn't even bring me anything back. I was pretty upset about that... I did eat a whole tray of corn bread a few weeks ago so ha, I told them!!! They obviously learned not to leave stuff out which totally bums me out... Thats ok, there is always the trash can. Next Thursday is the other owners birthday, she turns 28. I imagine they will leave me home alone again. I sure hope they leave a cake or something good on the counter because I will be all over that!!
Well, enough of all of that. It's time for me to lay on the couch for a bit before the owners come home.... Bye for now!!