Thursday, June 30, 2005

Back to work...

Well, owner started back to work yesterday. He was a little bummed to not have all the free time in the world but also a little anxious to start this new chapter in his life. Seems he will be gone alot when other owner is home... Well atleast Scooby and I won't be alone often. I just can't help but dig in the trash and it always gets me in troubloe, this way I will be safe from temptation.

I hear we have a new sofa coming that Scooby and I are not allowed to be near. Yeah, we'll see about that! What do they plan to do, put it away when they leave the house? I don't think so!! They did get us a new bed and it sure smells wonderful, I think it's cedar but all I can think of are hampsters.

Life is pretty dull right now. We haven't really been out other than for walks. I have missed my friends at the dog park and it's so nice out I would love to go for a swim. I hope the owners shape up some and take us somewhere fun, we deserve it!! I'll try and be good in hopes that happens....

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