Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Posting... finally

Ok, sorry fans.. I have been very busy with all the guests we have had in town.

So let me catch you up... Scooby got out about a month ago when the owners had a friend come check on us while they were away for a night... Some woman up the road found him and returned him... I swear, he isn't very bright sometimes. The owners are so good to us so if he wants to leave that is fine by me, just means more kibble and treats for me!! I watched him run out of the gate but did I leave.. noooo way, I know better. I stayed and waited, it definitelly looked good for me. Some people even thought I did it. People, I can't open the gate. I am brilliant and all but by no means am I strong enough to push that gate open with my head. Thats just crazy.. Also, I have no ill will toward my pal Scooby so I didn't plan it out either... geesh...

Owners brother got married this last weekend so it was hectic at our house with people from all over coming to stay. It was nice to have some new friends to smell and play with. The trash can even seemed tastier with all the extra trash. I got caught one day... boy did I get yelled at...

I've been pretty pissy lately with the owners b/c I don;t feel I get out enough for walks so I decided to show them by tearing a hole in some sheets and eating a pillow. It worked, owner took me for a walk that night. Now I know how to get my way... just destroy something. ;) Although other owner wasn't happy and he was wanting to drop me off in the woods forever, thank goodness he was kidding. I may be big but I am a huge baby plus what would I eat out there... :( I will try and be better!!