Friday, September 24, 2004

Moving out

Well life has been pretty low key lately. I have laid around, played with big mean kitty, chewed on some pig ears and tried to entertain myself. I think I ate something yucky b/c my stomach was upset the other night - I woke my owner up twice as I whined in pain. She was not happy. She has to get up at 3am and 5am to let me out...My owner and I are moving out to a new place so she has been moving boxes and not paying much attention to me. It's been hard. I did get to play with my new friend Pheobe (black lab that is shorter than me) the other day. She came over to stay for a night. We chased each other and paced with bones in our mouth. It was a good time. On Wednesday afternoon I went to see my friend Stolli and play with her in her yard. We got rained on all day so when my owner came to get me I jumped all over her just to get her back. Man was I smelly. I know she meant well but who wants to sit in the rain all day and get their coat all rained on and muddy. Not me!! To get me back she gave me a bath - man I hate baths. I just stand there and refuse to look at her.Well, my owner is off to see Pearl Jam tonight so I guess it's going to be a lonely night for me. Me and big mean kitty watching TV.... boring.... Maybe we can find something good to sniff.

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