Tuesday, September 28, 2004

My Long Weekend

My weekend was pretty good. My owner had a garage sale fundraiser on Saturday but wouldn't let me outside with her. I was able to hang out with her for a bit but she made me go back inside when I stared barking at the mail lady and any customers that came up. I just wanted her to know they were there - geesh! Sunday she moved more stuff, mainly boxed stuff but not really sure what exactly. That night I went to play at my friend Pheobes house with my owners roomate - that was fun. I liked her toys so much I made a pile of them for myself. Did I mention I hate sharing?

Yesterday, Owner and her friend came over, they took me running with them. I tripped them up alot, it was funny. They moved a bunch of the big stuff out. I was upset, however, b/c my basket of toys were taken w/o my permission, I hope I see them again. Big Mean Kitty was left so I should be ok.... for now. The house is pretty empty right now. I do still have a couch to lay around on in the day but I have a feeling it will disappear as soon as the other roomate comes back and takes it. I hope the new house has somewhere comfy for me to rest, I just hate having to lay on the floor all the time - I am such a princess.