Tuesday, February 08, 2005

New friends... maybe?

Rumor has it there might be a new addition to our little family... a boy too... The owners supposedly may be getting a new dog who is currently nameless. I forget what kind of dog he is, some mix - he was found wandering the interstate. I hope he isn't smarter than me... oh wait, I've never wandered the interstate... I saw his picture, he is cute but I am cuter for sure... Plus I am bigger and older so I will have to train him the ways of the house. (It's not definite yet though)
The owners are trying to decide on names, I think Kennedy and Teddy are the ones they are choosing between - they have decided to keep the Presidents alive in the house.... What do you think, do you like either? If not, any suggestions on other ex-Presidents names?
Oh, our house guest left this morning, he's off to South America for many months.... life should be back to normal for atleast awhile.... I'll miss getting to lay around with him during the day, plus he let me out which was nice - I am so used to holding it all day, it was great to be able to get out and run and play.

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