Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Just a Monday

Last night my owner had her last Ladies Who Launch class. She was pretty sad that it was ending, although I hear she will still attend meetings every month. She came home with alot of goodies and presents from everyone. None that I could have - as usual.

I swear I am so neglected - no one gives me any candy, cookies, turkey - nothing! Oh wait... Speaking of turkey, on thanksgiving I was given some wet food (mixed in with my usual dry food), which I don't usually get but love sooo sooo much. I ate it so fast that after about 10 min I threw it ALL up in the living room, on carpet - it came up as if I had swallowed it whole. Lovely visual, I know... What can I say, I was excited to get it - I can't help that I scarfed it down faster than I have ever eaten before. My excuse is I didn't want Scooby to eat it... although he was busy eating his own. You never know though, he could have rushed over and stole mine too. It could happen.

So, anyways, thanksgiving was good. I did get a tiny bite of turkey after my little incident. I think everyone felt sorry for me b/c I now had no food in my stomach. Although, that could have been my plan all along (evil laugh inserted here). They were all joking that I was belimic - I'm not, really!

Other owner had some buddies over last night to watch football and drink beer. Always exciting for me b/c Scooby and I like to show off for the guests and wrestle. I won of course!

Tonight I suspect is going to be a fun night of laying around and chewing on some bones... Owner plans to make some jewelry, maybe I can help pick up the beads on the floor or something. Maybe?